From the Diary Of

Timothy Taylor

I am an ordained minister who has pastored 4 churches over a 25 year period— two of which I planted. I led HeartSprings International Ministry, an independent evangelistic and humanitarian organization that provided safe water to people in Guatemala and Southern Mexico for 10 years. I have published one book entitled, The Life and Trials of the Man Called Joseph. I have been married for over 37 years and have two sons. Blake is an attorney with KPMG and Brice is a Sr. Manager with Southwest Airlines. Brice was married in November of 2019. Blake is engaged and planning to wed in the fall of 2020. My wife, Michelle is the academic counselor at Grapevine Faith Christian School. I have had the opportunity to travel a great deal and spent my 15th birthday in Jakarta, Indonesia. I manage my father's ministry and together we model the Father/Son paradigm which characterizes the Kingdom of God.

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