Media and Advertising
We can all learn so much from each other. Something I really miss that I probably won't get back are the student conversations during my MBA courses. About half the time the professor would speak and about half the time, the professionals/students would speak as a classroom and learn from each other. No one was looking at their watch because we were there for 3 hours anyway and no one was worried about being judged within their own company. This is a great platform for professionals to learn from other professionals.
Executives Diary is a new concept. It may be a great approach to help others by sharing executives’ experiences using this platform. I still need to wait and see, though, since it’s still a new platform. But I am sure its success if it can continue moving forward with passion.
I think the idea is solid – even if it becomes a fee-based service, the quality of the individuals’ writing and the merit of their ideas will ultimately bring the cream to the top. So it’s a self-correcting system (which might end up biting me in the behind, now that I think of it…)
I am a fan. I personally enjoy the personal aspects of it more than the strictly professional parts, as I like to pick the brains of other smart people, and I tend to find that what drives them at home, keeps them up at night and makes them smile is more instructive than what they think about their product or line of business. This is an exciting way to get access to a little bit more of that, beyond talking to people I know or perusing their short posts on LinkedIn.
Management Consulting
I’ve really enjoyed doing this. It’s been fun going back and thinking of things I haven’t thought of in a long time.
It would be great if any of my experiences might assist someone else. That’s always the best; making a positive impact on someone else’s life.
This was not only fun but educational. Reading about the paths of other executives in other industries is not only interesting but also a learning experience. You get a look into their history, an insight into who they are, and how they got where they are.
As mentioned in my diary I am a reader of non-fiction books and each diary is a short non-fiction book written by the author.
I like the concept and many of the ideas you have started work for me as an executive portfolio presentation tool. Not sure what the future plans are, but this is a good start.
More information on what we do with this profile would be helpful. Is this a push, pull or static type listing of executives and the work of their portfolio or is it something people just stumble across some how?
Architecture & Planning
Executive Diaries comes across as a very forward-looking method of hunting for suitable business leaders. I like the approach of “let me tell you how I think” rather the legacy approach that only captures what was done x-amount of time ago.
I find it a very interesting medium within the industry, a source of information on the global profile of the people who are now part of the leadership in all industries. I like the style, elegance and concise, dynamic and human attitude of addressing issues. Congratulations.
It seems to be an excellent concept and a great way for emerging leaders to ramp up their experience more rapidly rather than having to learn everything in the school of hard knocks. I am happy to contribute my wisdom to the platform and hope it will be of use to others. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of it!
Executive Diary provides wisdom and know-how from different perspectives and people in the professional arena. Leaders talk about their background, journey and thoughts, revealing what was essential in their advancement. They also share insights into their industry and of future events.
Young and older professionals can be inspired and find guidance in their future development.
I am thankful and honored that the Executives Diary has invited me for this interview.
I think it is a great resource for sharing stories and advice from a variety of successful individuals in one place. Loved the concept when I first learned about it. Keep up the good work.
Executives Diary is a great platform to bring out the inspirational stories of leaders that you would never know from any other source. The people highlighted here are pretty incredible and I would have never heard their stories were it not for Executives Diary.
Media and Advertising
I absolutely love a magazine that provides a platform for a variety of voices. It’s amazing how much we can learn when we are open to embracing the trajectory of another person’s journey. To create inclusive engagement with networks where one might find a new platform for discussion is a phenomenal idea! Thank you for the opportunity to share my story.
Business Advisor
I think it is a great thing to bring energetic leaders together and leverage platforms to share their stories and best practices. People tend to relate to others with similar stories and I think by sharing these
stories it could lead to inspiration for those who are seeking to grow.
This is a new idea to me. I will reserve comment until after the first publication.
I think Executives Diary is an excellent resource for professionals to obtain nuggets of wisdom and perspective that can help them grow in their own careers.
Love that there is a place that has many people with diverse backgrounds, education, experiences and professions. I’ve read many of them and will continue to, as it gives me an opportunity to learn about someone, or an industry, that maybe I didn’t know much about.
I enjoy reading about the different executives featured and how each of them have made an impact in their industry!
I had never heard of Executives Diary before about two weeks ago. I think it is a very interesting concept.
As a concept Executives Diary could reformat the idea of researching and sharing how the influence’s and roles in the corporate world evolve and the part we play. Sharing our success stories, knowledge and wisdom can only benefit the reader. I look forward to reading about others on their career path and the journeys that you share.
Executive Diary is an exciting platform to display leaders who can motivate and inspire others to reach their potential through sharing their own stories and experiences. It is a vehicle for success.
I think it’s a great forum to gather knowledge and experience from a host of senior folks from varied industries.
Executive Diary is a great idea. It allows people to share their experiences and can be a useful learning tool for everyone.
Very interesting! So much wisdom stands to be gained by trading information with fellow entrepreneurs and business leaders. We can learn so much from one another by sharing our respective secrets to success, personal approaches, and thoughts about the future. I applaud the initiative!
It is always helpful to read about other people and their thoughts. For me, it has been a good time for my own reflection to insightful questions.
Media and Advertising
I like that it has allowed learning a little about other executive’s experiences and life that I won’t have known otherwise.