From the Diary Of

Carlton D. Mc Gee

Where do I begin? I always find it difficult to talk about myself. It is the thing of being in the moment. Rarely taking time to think about certain meaningful aspects of life. I am married. I married my college sweetheart. We will be celebrating our 25 th wedding anniversary this coming November. We have twin boy/girl and they are beginning their 1 st year in college. Over the past 20 years, I have worked in and around Education developing, implementing and facilitating auxiliary programs into traditional educational settings. I try to find humor in everything. I am diabetic. I found out a few months ago. I had to spend a few days in the hospital because my sugar levels were extremely high. The doctors and nurses did a great job with nursing me back to health. Upon my release from the hospital, I received a visit from the hospital Chaplin. He heard that I was in bad shape and wanted to come check on me. After asking me how I was doing and stating that he is glad that I am doing better he stated that I will be seeing you around. My response to him was no, you will not be seeing me around. I thought that was funny. I try to live life to the fullest and take each day one day at a time.

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