From the Diary Of

Buddy Peacock

I like to think I am an easy going and giving person.  I enjoy staying fit, cooking and spending time with family.  I bike ride quite frequently and when I am bored I like spending time in the kitchen.  I also enjoy languages and with my mother being from France, I can speak enough French to get myself into trouble but not get out of it.  A funny story, several members of my family and I were visiting Paris several years ago. We passed by an ice cream shop and all of us decided we wanted some.  I went inside and in my broken French started to order the flavor that everyone wanted. The guy behind the counter looked perplexed at just about everything I said while ordering.  Everything got ordered and the server filled the order correctly and was quite polite. Then after I paid the bill, he said in perfect English with practically no accent, “Thank you sir, have a great day and enjoy the remainder of your trip.”  I also speak a modicum of Spanish and Mandarin.

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