Amro Solusi Manajamen
Helping businesses achieve Increased Revenues and Growth, through Project Mgmt, Strategic Planning and M&A. Ask me how.
An executive with 30 years leading and managing organizations, setting/executing strategic plans, generating revenues, setting up M&As, streamlining operations, setting up and overseeing Project/Program management, heading up Marketing and PR, overseeing HR functions and more.
I did not move from USA to Indonesia for the weather or the food. I moved to my wife’s country to help Indonesia grow into a top developed country. I will do what I did with Fortune 500 companies improving their revenues, streamlining their operations, changing their mind set and moving up.
Amro Solusi Manajamen
“ I knew Mr. Amro Elakkad (from Amro Solusi Manajemen) for the first time in July 2018 when he was a facilitator in Leadership Development Program held by Kimia Farma for BOD-1 Level (General Managers and Directors of subsidiaries). Project Management (PM) was one of half-day session during those 3 days training. He delivered PM material which consisted of hundreds of slides, in such a short time. For me, it was very interesting because Project Management as a discipline of knowledge and skills is something new for me. No wonder I was quite active in class during the session.
After training I decided to meet Mr. Amro with my team (several managers) to discuss how we can use PM to help us handle our future business. 2018 was the year when we start our new initiative, entering the Essential Oil business. After some intense discussions, we agreed to hire Mr. Amro to be our consultant in PM.
The services we got from him were:
1. Project Management Training.
This is the first step because it was important for me and team to understand the basics of PM. We did the training for about 20 staff who would be involved in the projects. Some of them later were selected as Project Managers. Since we basically speak in Bahasa Indonesia and Mr. Amro deliver it in English, perhaps the level of understanding for some staff was not so good. But I appreciated their willingness to learn PM, but this was also a chance to improve their English. I should say that young staff easier to understand. On the other hand, Mr. Amro showed a sense of patience and understanding that made it easier and free for participants to ask or argue.
2. Strategic Planning (SP).
As a subsidiary of a state own enterprises we used to create a long and midterm planning (RJPP / Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan). In that official document, we describe who we are and what we want to achieve in 5 years. Mr. Amro name it Strategic Planning. I must confess that the process he guided us to review and renew our SP was very easy to follow and yet very detailed. His approach of 5W + 1 H is the key of this process and the involvement of the team was very high. Every function of the company must have their worksheet on Goal-Objective-Measure. After almost 2 months, we finally made a valuable SP complete with Scorecard templates to monitor progress and achievement on a quarterly basis. He gave also special coaching for the staff we appointed to be the PIC to monitor the Scorecard.
3. Project Management Implementation.
After knows the people, having new SP then we continue to PM Implementation. Start from selecting five people staff, who will be Program Manager and Project Managers, since we have 5 initiatives in our SP. But then we decided to focus on the Essential Oil (EO) Program. Five persons selected and we start with learning to create a Business Case. With Mr. Amro guidance, we elaborate components of 5 important aspects i.e. People Learning and Culture, Process, Product/Services, Customer
A very detailed-oriented leader, an expert in PMO and a high-skill Project Manager. His knowledge, skills and experience combine it all together produce a high quality of works respected by clients. A leader who are gentle and yet firm to his beliefs.
Visit Linkedin ProfileAmro is an exceptionally talented Project & Program Manager and one of those rare individuals who combines strong technical skills, a mature perspective, unusual client responsiveness and dedication to his work. He also has an ability to think strategically which sets him apart. I would recommend Amro to any team looking for excellent Project and Program Management leadership.
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