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From the social diaries of Amro Elakkad
ACIS 2017 Testimonial: Amro Elakkad from New York, USA
Project Management Case Study: Project Covid Recovery and Hope (PCRH)
To be truly global company, never settle for silver ... always go for Gold.
Projects do not get delivered because the project manager know how to put a schedule, or a budget, or calculate an Earned Value ... etc.
To my American and non-Indonesian friends.
Happy Eid brothers and sisters
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Amro Elakkad's story
ACIS 2017 Testimonial: Amro Elakkad from New York, USA
From the social diaries of Amro Elakkad
ACIS 2017 Testimonial: Amro Elakkad from New York, USA
Project Management Case Study: Project Covid Recovery and Hope (PCRH)
To be truly global company, never settle for silver ... always go for Gold.
Projects do not get delivered because the project manager know how to put a schedule, or a budget, or calculate an Earned Value ... etc.
To my American and non-Indonesian friends.
Happy Eid brothers and sisters
Follow Diary
Social Links
Amro Elakkad's story
Project Management Case Study: Project Covid Recovery and Hope (PCRH)
From the social diaries of Amro Elakkad
ACIS 2017 Testimonial: Amro Elakkad from New York, USA
Project Management Case Study: Project Covid Recovery and Hope (PCRH)
To be truly global company, never settle for silver ... always go for Gold.
Projects do not get delivered because the project manager know how to put a schedule, or a budget, or calculate an Earned Value ... etc.
To my American and non-Indonesian friends.
Happy Eid brothers and sisters
Follow Diary
Social Links
Amro Elakkad's story
To be truly global company, never settle for silver ... always go for Gold.
From the social diaries of Amro Elakkad
ACIS 2017 Testimonial: Amro Elakkad from New York, USA
Project Management Case Study: Project Covid Recovery and Hope (PCRH)
To be truly global company, never settle for silver ... always go for Gold.
Projects do not get delivered because the project manager know how to put a schedule, or a budget, or calculate an Earned Value ... etc.
To my American and non-Indonesian friends.
Happy Eid brothers and sisters
Follow Diary
Social Links
Amro Elakkad's story
Projects do not get delivered because the project manager know how to put a schedule, or a budget, or calculate an Earned Value ... etc.
From the social diaries of Amro Elakkad
ACIS 2017 Testimonial: Amro Elakkad from New York, USA
Project Management Case Study: Project Covid Recovery and Hope (PCRH)
To be truly global company, never settle for silver ... always go for Gold.
Projects do not get delivered because the project manager know how to put a schedule, or a budget, or calculate an Earned Value ... etc.
To my American and non-Indonesian friends.
Happy Eid brothers and sisters
Follow Diary
Social Links
Amro Elakkad's story
To my American and non-Indonesian friends.
From the social diaries of Amro Elakkad
ACIS 2017 Testimonial: Amro Elakkad from New York, USA
Project Management Case Study: Project Covid Recovery and Hope (PCRH)
To be truly global company, never settle for silver ... always go for Gold.
Projects do not get delivered because the project manager know how to put a schedule, or a budget, or calculate an Earned Value ... etc.
To my American and non-Indonesian friends.
Happy Eid brothers and sisters
Follow Diary
Social Links
Amro Elakkad's story
Happy Eid brothers and sisters