Griefwork Center, Inc.
My dad died by suicide when I was about to give birth to my triplet sons. His death and their birth fostered my resilience. I have found meaning in his death and in their birth and both have fostered my personal resilience.
Griefwork Center, Inc.
Barbara gave a keynote address to our group of health care professionals on compassion fatigue that was extremely inspirational. She tailored her talk to our specific group, making it relevant and personal. Barbara’s delivery was professional, yet personal and full of real life experience. I would highly recommend Barbara! Also worth mentioning is how wonderful she was to plan and coordinate with!
Visit Linkedin ProfileWestbridge Academy produces and annual speaker series on topics related to child psychology and best practices in education. It is an understatement to say that Barbara is absolutely fantastic- truly a top notch speaker. The topic of compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma couldn’t be more timely and over 200 webinar participants affirm. WBA would love to bring Barbara back! Highly recommended!!!
Visit Linkedin ProfileBarbara Rubel has been a welcome guest on The Seniors Rock Radio Show for several years, sharing her expert knowledge on difficult subjects with wit and compassion. Always focused on the positive, Barbara reminded us recently that the pandemic will actually help us build resilience for the future and that we could make meaning out of our challenges. Barbara Rubel celebrates life and her soft steady voice and reminds us that together we'll get through any of life's challenges. What a great message to bring to anyone or any organization.
Joanna Palvino, Host, Seniors Rock Radio, WHAM1180AM / iHeart Radio