Mark Semmelmayer

Chief Idea Officer

Pen And Inc.

Industry: Media and Advertising
Location: - , Georgia, United States

About Mark Semmelmayer

Been paid to be a “communicator” for over 50 years.  Started with working local radio and writing for local papers when in high school.  Went on to a broadcasting career that ended with a stint in the news department of an NPR affiliate,.then got seduced by the “dark side” of communications…ad agencies.  10 years in agencies as copywriter, account guy and account supervisor.  Moved on to corporate marketing/communications with Kimberly-Clark for 32 years.  Now run my own marketing/advertising consultancy

Mark Semmelmayer

Chief Idea Officer

Pen And Inc.

Industry: Media and Advertising
Location: - , Georgia, United States

Mark Semmelmayer's Recommendations

Paul Johnson Recommended Mark Semmelmayer

Mark Semmelmayer is more than a sound marketing strategist and tactician, he's also a prac-tician. Every time I talk to him, I'm grateful for his practical, down to earth approaches for getting the work of marketing done. He's constantly evolving with the business and is ready to couple his experience with the burgeoning tools of the trade. If you want to learn how marketing is done, you would do well to learn from Mark Semmelmayer.

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Jane Nichols Recommended Mark Semmelmayer

Mark is a leader in the marketing and communication community. His depth and breadth of marketing knowledge, coupled with his healthcare focus, has helped prepare numerous successful education modules for many healthcare professionals. The mobile education setting he started and lead for many years was a first-in-class opportunity for healthcare learning brought to the door of hospitals. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for this marketing leader.

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