Gerald Henry Lushington

Bioinformatics Editor

WebMed Central

Industry: Health Care
Location: Lawrence, Kansas, United States

About Gerald Henry Lushington

Well, this may be the first time in my life that people’s eyes won’t glaze when I talk about it, but I’ve done research on coronaviruses.

I have a couple dozen papers with William Groutas from Wichita State University working on drug candidates for a variety of viral targets.  He actually started work last year to commercialize one drug for feline coronavirus (which causes peritonitis in cats), but suddenly our earlier studies on human coronaviruses like MERS are attracting far more attention.  Normally, no investor would give something like that a second glance because most novel viruses run their course a lot faster than it takes to bring a specifically targeted drug to FDA approval, but these are not normal times.

Anyway, the antiviral research is a side project, and it unlikely to take over my life but, for the time being, it gives me something else to talk about.