olistic Living Consulting LLC
Cassandra encompasses many different roles. She is a business owner, author, and speaker. Her mission has always been to help people whether its helping seniors acheive quality of life or helping women overcome physical and emotional pain. Something you probably don't know about Cassandra is that she grew up in the small town of Osceola, Arkansas as a only child. At a early age she developed a love for reading something she still enjoys as an adult. She has experienced many ups and downs in life so she has learned that with God all things are possible.
olistic Living Consulting LLC
Ms. Hill is an exceptional gerontolgist who brings a wealth of experience, knowledge, and wisdom to the profession. She is a tenacious advocate who has been instrumental about fighting for the medical rights of seniors. Through her services, she is very effective in facilitating positive behaviors and positive change in the geriatric population and their families.
Vickie L. Sutherland, Ph.D.
Visit Linkedin ProfileCassandra's dedication to the seniors in our community is apparent both on a professional and personal level. She is a true advocate for seniors and a constant supporter of programs, services and organizations which benefit this population. She is an accomplished senior care professional who can be trusted to focus on the best interests of our seniors.
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