Robert Colee's story

Life and Experiences

Can you please tell us a little bit about yourself? Some fun facts and anecdotes from your life.

Aerospace Technology:

Alternate Energy Technology:

Amusement Technology:

Biomedical Technology:

Closed Loop Systems Technology:

Computer IT Technology:

Defense Conversion Technology:

Electronic Technology:

Engineering Technology:

Finance Technology:

Human Resource Technology:

Manufacturing Technology:

Marine Technology:

Mechanics Technology:

Operations Management Technology:

Power Production Technology:

Power Sports Technology:

Project Management Technology:

Propulsion Technology:

Radio Communications Technology:

Recruiting Technology:

Re-Manufacturing Technology:

Renovation Technology:

Robert Colee's story

Professional Career

Can you briefly share your professional journey?

I started my professional jouney in sales, door to door. My nextentry was as an Aerospace techncion in the USAF. Started my own business in the motorsports industry. Studied engineering and worked in the electronics and manufacturing areas. 

•   Executive-level Leadership                                                      •   Sales / Marketing

•   Entrepreneurial / Innovative                                                      •   High Technology / Alternate Energy

•   Operations / Financial Management                                      •   Productive / Profitable Partnerships

•   Manufacturing / Remanufacturing                                           •   Telecommunications Technical / Sales Expertise

•   Troubleshooting / Problem Solving                                         •   Business / Product Start-ups

From the diary of Robert Colee's story

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