I grew up in Baltimore, MD, which was a great place for a kid to grow up. Great neighborhoods with strong ethnic identities. Blue crabs in the summer, Chincoteague oysters in the winter, Orioles baseball and Colts football. What more could a kid ask for?
The toughest part of this business is finding the right people to work with; Creating wealth and stress-free retirements, where you never run out of money and all potential issues are planned for and addressed is the easy part. It's finding that right fit. Fortunately, my clients have done amazingly well and have been very loyal over many years.
There are a few of them. First, I have to give credit to my wife, Mimi. Without her support and belief in me, I don't know where I would be.
Next is Bill Harris. Bill has been in this industry for a long time. I have learned a lot from him in his webinars and his books. I have to also credit Bruce Williams and Eric Holtz of the firm Seeman Holtz. They really helped me to raise the bar to the next level.
I also need to shout out to Jim McHale from the Ohlson Group. Jim is a longtime industry veteran with tremendous vision and is a great counsel.
Finally is Jeremiah Desmaris. You cannot help people unless you're working with people. Jeremiah has the greatest marketing and promotion mind of anyone in the financial services industry. I only wish that I had the opportunity to work with him and learn from him years earlier.
Even though I have a deep and abiding love of sports, I am kind of a geek. I love what I do, and spend about twenty hours every week on education to make myself better than I was. As an Advisor, it is crucial that I do so. Constant changes in the economy, tax laws and more, as well as evolving products to meet those needs demands that.
No question that I wouldn't be here without them. Not just my wife and daughter and granddaughters, but my entire family. I survived a bout with cancer, one that my doctors did not thing I would win, because of them, because of Gilda's Club, and because of God.
Baltimore had a good public school system, which laid the foundation for college. Like most, college experience helped to define who I am today, with many of those relationships still going strong after forty years.
I moved to Florida about twenty years ago to take over the franchise operations for The Big Tomato. We were gaining some traction and had opened a number of stores. I had to spend more time with the franchisees during the day in order to move their business forward. Because of that, I decided to find some other work at night to supplement my income and make up for what I was not earning while working with the franchisees.
This was when I went to work for The Hartford. When I started working there I fell in love with the business. I mean, how could I not? Other than a rock star or a professional athlete, I have the best job in the world. We get paid to help people, which is the greatest feeling in the world. After a while, I found that I was working two full-time jobs, so I had to make a decision. Obviously, you can see what direction I took...and never looked back.
We provide comprehensive planning and tax strategies for business owners and professionals. Our focus is on retirement. Providing a stream of lifetime (usually tax-free) income, planning in case of a chronic illness, looking at the effect of taxes and inflation, and making those things part of the equation.
Some of our strategies include moving money from your retirement account (IRA, 401K, SEP, etc.), converting it to a ROTH IRA, and deferring the taxes for life. Another one is to provide free lifetime coverage in case of a chronic illness.
If you are a business owner and provide healthcare coverage for your employees, I can show you a strategy that will save you $500 per year for each employee, at no cost to you...and a 75% savings for your employees on their out of pocket expenses (co-pays, deductibles, etc.) at a zero net cost to the employee. Talk about a win-win situation.
Depending on the individual circumstances, we have many powerful strategies like that.
This is all about creating that lifetime stream of guaranteed income, and depending on no one but yourself. You would be amazed by what you can accomplish with the right strategy.
Here's another example of one of my clients. I received a call from her to tell me her husband passed away. One of her concerns is that he left their daughter $50,000.00. She told me that her daughter was very responsible, but "She has this money in her checking account...with a debit card".
We transferred her funds into one of the Investment Grade Life Insurance" policies. While keeping her money fully liquid, it was also growing at a great rate, tax-deferred. When she retires, she will begin receiving a tax-free income of between $90,000.00 to over $100,000.00 per year for the rest of her life. Also, she will leave millions behind for her beneficiaries. Not bad.
Pensions have pretty much disappeared. Social Security will be there. albeit with some changes. My advice is simple: depending on yourself, and no one else. Create your own personal pension plan. The earlier you start, the greater the advantage you can have with compound interest. Find a good professional, such as a Certified Financial Fiduciary® to help you with that.
Remember, a Certified Financial Fiduciary® is certified to put your interests first, and only recommend the very best for your situation.
I believe your initiative with Executive's Diary to be timely and valuable. Thank you for inviting me to be a part of this exciting venture.
I mentioned some strategies earlier. While I appreciate that survey, it may not be possible to save that much at that age. Again, find a Certified Financial Fiduciary® to help with that. You can go to: https://nationalcffassociation.org/ to locate one near you. If you have questions, you can always reach out to me.
If you are young enough, nothing beats overfunding a permanent life insurance policy. In the industry, we refer to these products as "Investment Grade Life Insurance". While all life insurance provides a death benefit for protection, that is NOT the primary purpose of this policy. We take advantage of IRS code 7702 to internally build cash value.
Let me give you an example. Working with a client in her 20's, we set up a policy funded with $300 per month. When she retires, she will begin receiving a TAX-FREE INCOME of over $100,000.00 per year...for the rest of her life! Also, let's not forget, this is life insurance at its core, so when she goes to sing with the angels, she will leave several million dollars for her beneficiaries.
However, that's not the right strategy for everyone. As we get closer to retirement, we also get more conservative, putting greater value on conservation of our assets.
Once in retirement, a happy stress-free retirement is determined by guaranteed income. Social Security, pensions, personal pension plan, savings, etc., are all a part of that. We also need to account for inflation, taxes. And the potential of a chronic illness. It's at this point that I like a mix of 10% liquid (savings, checking, money markets, etc.) for expenses and emergencies. I keep about 25% exposed to the market (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, REIT's, etc.) to account for changes in taxes and inflation (this is for 10 or 20 years in the future). Finally, I keep about 65% in guaranteed income products (Fixed annuities, indexed products, etc.) for my lifetime stream of guaranteed income.
Remember, everyone is different. There is no "one size fits all" strategy; this is why you want to work with an experienced professional to help create your plan.