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From the social diaries of Benjamin Kitay
Does seeing this make you question the value of your own beverage deal?
What’s REALLY going on when your soft drink supplier shows up with a fifty-page presentation?
Your Most Experienced Soft Drink Negotiation Partner 7mo If you are with a restaurant chain, you will want to listen to this podcast.
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Benjamin Kitay's story
Does seeing this make you question the value of your own beverage deal?
From the social diaries of Benjamin Kitay
Does seeing this make you question the value of your own beverage deal?
What’s REALLY going on when your soft drink supplier shows up with a fifty-page presentation?
Your Most Experienced Soft Drink Negotiation Partner 7mo If you are with a restaurant chain, you will want to listen to this podcast.
Follow Diary
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Benjamin Kitay's story
What’s REALLY going on when your soft drink supplier shows up with a fifty-page presentation?
From the social diaries of Benjamin Kitay
Does seeing this make you question the value of your own beverage deal?
What’s REALLY going on when your soft drink supplier shows up with a fifty-page presentation?
Your Most Experienced Soft Drink Negotiation Partner 7mo If you are with a restaurant chain, you will want to listen to this podcast.
Follow Diary
Social Links
Benjamin Kitay's story
Your Most Experienced Soft Drink Negotiation Partner 7mo If you are with a restaurant chain, you will want to listen to this podcast.