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From the social diaries of Phizz Ltd
Meet Yasmin Badiani, ex-Premier League physio and Head of Sport at Phizz. In celebration of a healthy new year...
There is one thing that we're most proud of this year- our new partnership with Plastic Bank 🌍♻️
Appreciate it, Fereshta!
Phizz is the first effervescent to be stocked by this legendary British retailer!
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Daniel Cray's story
Meet Yasmin Badiani, ex-Premier League physio and Head of Sport at Phizz. In celebration of a healthy new year...
From the social diaries of Phizz Ltd
Meet Yasmin Badiani, ex-Premier League physio and Head of Sport at Phizz. In celebration of a healthy new year...
There is one thing that we're most proud of this year- our new partnership with Plastic Bank 🌍♻️
Appreciate it, Fereshta!
Phizz is the first effervescent to be stocked by this legendary British retailer!
Follow Diary
Social Links
Daniel Cray's story
There is one thing that we're most proud of this year- our new partnership with Plastic Bank 🌍♻️
From the social diaries of Phizz Ltd
Meet Yasmin Badiani, ex-Premier League physio and Head of Sport at Phizz. In celebration of a healthy new year...
There is one thing that we're most proud of this year- our new partnership with Plastic Bank 🌍♻️
Appreciate it, Fereshta!
Phizz is the first effervescent to be stocked by this legendary British retailer!
Follow Diary
Social Links
Daniel Cray's story
Appreciate it, Fereshta!
From the social diaries of Phizz Ltd
Meet Yasmin Badiani, ex-Premier League physio and Head of Sport at Phizz. In celebration of a healthy new year...
There is one thing that we're most proud of this year- our new partnership with Plastic Bank 🌍♻️
Appreciate it, Fereshta!
Phizz is the first effervescent to be stocked by this legendary British retailer!
Follow Diary
Social Links
Daniel Cray's story
Phizz is the first effervescent to be stocked by this legendary British retailer!